SCK Adventures in DC: Link Roundup

Really sorry that I have been failing miserably at staying on schedule here. A lot of things have been going on but I’m excited to get back on track!

Why make new memories when you can look back fondly on old ones? Just kidding, keep making new memories, folks, you won’t regret it in the long run.

BUT, I thought it might be handy to have one big post here with the blogs from Karen & Christine‘s recent visit to DC since we all blogged about the trip. Everyone has different photos and perspectives, and I think it’s fun to see what we remembered and wrote down about each day.

Starr: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 (just me, don’t get too excited)
Christine: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 (she includes a lot of great, hilarious, personal details in her posts)
Karen: All 3 Days (she’s the real-deal photographer in our group, so be ready for great photos!)

Relive the memories with me, friends!

Photo credit: Christine on Karen's selfie stick!
Photo credit: Christine on Karen’s selfie stick!

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