Spring Break 2016 Link Roundup

Phew, we made it everybody! A (relatively) timely completion of vacation recaps. (If any of you mentions those Europe posts…….)

Here’s all of the links in one spot for reading convenience:

  1. Vegas
    1. Club Going Up… in Vegas
    2. Gotta Gotta Get Down… in Vegas
    3. Sin City Demands Sin…
  2. LA
    1. Rain, Art, & Lights
    2. Social in SoCal part 1
    3. Social in SoCal part 2
    4. MegaDon4Ever!
  3. Disneyland
    1. Disneyland: Before Food
    2. Disneyland: Before Dinner
    3. Disneyland: Before Bed
  4. Goodbye West Coast

Thanks for sticking by me with all these updates! Here’s a short photo series that I forgot to include in one of them:

Yep, that’s me trying to conquer the Sword in the Stone. Oh well, maybe next time.

See ya next time, West Coast!