BEDA 2020…?

It’s been difficult for me to figure out how to jump back into blogging at all, let alone “regularly” or “on schedule”. Even milestones that I usually will write something to publish came and went: Lunar New Year… Lent

Suddenly, it’s April.
And, of course, we’re all aware of the circumstances regarding COVID-19.

woman standing in front of window
Photo: JR Korpa

So… we’ll attempt a Blog Every Day April.

I haven’t attempted one of these since… 2015, and the last BEDA posts I published were when Karen and Christine visited me in DC wow what a throwback. (I recall Christine having posts ready for all 30 days of April, including posts scheduled to go up while she was visiting! Goals…)

I’ve considered doing another BEDA for a long while now, but this isn’t really how I planned to do it. There is no plan for how I’ll do it, in fact. I don’t have any idea what I will post tomorrow, or the day after, or the 27 days after. I have a ton of drafts on this blog but with coronavirus happening, it doesn’t feel as appropriate to post many of them. (For example, all the travel blogs I started and never finished…)

But we’ll see. I have been very withdrawn from my blog and the online public space since I experienced burnout and a subsequent depressive episode 2 years ago, because I feel like I no longer know what I want to blog about. It used to be really clear to me, that if I experienced something fun or interesting or even bad, I wanted to share that. I don’t want to share things as much as I used to, but I miss writing and I miss blogging. A lot of my blog friends have also stopped blogging, and, who knows, maybe attempting BEDA is just a nostalgic exercise to bring back the feeling of 2015 again.

If you have any suggestions on things you would like me to share, please please do share. In the meantime, I update 2 pages on this blog somewhat regularly: the Media Log, where I record the various forms of media I am consuming this year, and New Foods, where I try to make good on my resolution to either cook a new recipe or try a new restaurant every week.

Today is Day 1 of 30.